Monthly Archives: June 2015

Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara in ‘Voices of the Sirens’


Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara, mixed media installation: video interviews, publication and 6-speaker sound installation, in ‘Voices of the Sirens’, Montagu Bastion, Gibraltar 24 June – 21 August 2015. e-flux: [...]

Sorelle Povere di Santa Chiara in ‘Voices of the Sirens’2015-06-21T14:10:25+01:00

“Now I am yours” in ‘Teresa of Avila 1515-2015’


“Now I am yours” 1992 in the conference ‘Teresa of Avila 1515 to 2015: Mystical Theology and Spirituality in the Carmelite Tradition’, keynote speakers Julia Kristeva, Rowan Williams, Gillian Ahlegren. [...]

“Now I am yours” in ‘Teresa of Avila 1515-2015’2015-06-21T14:09:01+01:00
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